
Can the Hyundai Sonata outsell Toyota Camry?

Can the Hyundai Sonata outsell Toyota Camry?

German luxury sedans may be the first choice for the premium segment but the Japanese and Korean brands have managed to garner a large and loyal customer base due to the economy, reliability, and quality offered by them. In fact, Japanese and Korean sedans are capable of winning the edge over entry-level German luxury sedans. Toyota Camry and Hyundai Sonata are two popular sedans that have enticed high-end customers as well.

The two sedans are often seen fiercely battling each other for a larger market share in the competitive Dubai car market. The Hyundai Sonata might be regarded as an affordable alternative to Toyota Camry. However, customers need to compare both the cars against different parameters to gauge the practicality and functions of both the models. Apart from price, the two sedans must be compared vis-à-vis style, spaciousness, performance, and driving quality.



The Hyundai Sonata has been designed to look very contemporary and practical-oriented. The sedan has been specifically designed to attract European customers. The interior styling is typical of a Korean car and all the dashboard dials and gauges have been conveniently placed.

The Toyota Camry may not be having stunning looks but it has a cabin that has a more luxurious feel. Additionally, the Camry is equipped with key safety features like autonomous emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, and lane departure warning. As far as space is concerned, both the cars are equally spacious with sufficient leg room that is achieved due to the presence of split rear seats.


Performance and handling

Both, the Sonata as well as well as the Camry, posses 2.4-litre engines that have almost the same fuel consumption rates. Sonata’s engine yields 133 kW power while the Camry’s engines deliver 135 kW power. Both the engines have six-speed automatic transmission systems.

Despite having similar engines, both the cars have subtle differences as far as driving is concerned. While the Sonata has better handling, the Camry delivers better comfort while driving. It is clear that the Sonata is pitched towards practical customers who prefer value for money. On the other hand, the Camry proves to be a tech-laden family car.

It remains to be seen how the popular sedans manage to gain an advantage over each other. Is the Hyundai Sonata’s practicality enough to take a lead over Toyota Camry? Would you like to see any improvements in any of these sedans? Please share your thoughts and suggestions in the comment box below.

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