
Car Care Tips for the Summer Season

Car Care Tips for the Summer Season

The summer season in Damascus exposes the vehicles to extremely high temperatures. The high temperatures affect various parts of the car; hence it is critical to keep your car in good working condition by taking precautionary care.  Following are the key areas and car systems that must be thoroughly checked so that the automobile does not break down suddenly under the blazing sun:

Coolant System

Check the coolant level and inspect the coolant reservoir as well the condition of the hoses. Coolant hoses are prone to leaks; hence it is necessary to replace damaged hoses. Make sure that that various joints and connections made by the coolant hose with the engine are secured.

Air-Conditioning System

A well-maintained air-conditioning system is essential for enjoying a car ride during summer. Make sure that the air-conditioning system is recharged at the right time. It is also essential to repair any leaks that will affect the refrigerant levels.

Air Filter

Most of the times, decomposed leaves and dirt clog various outlets like air filters, drainage points, and windshield-washer nozzles. The beginning of the summer is the right time to clean the ducts and vents for enabling greater energy efficiency. It is also important to clean cabin filtration systems that are available in modern vehicles.


Even though it is necessary to check tire pressure and treads all the year round, the summer season requires you to take the extra care because most of the road trips are planned during this hot season. Apart from checking air pressure, you must check for any cracks or signs of wear and tear. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the tires have sufficient amount of tread depth. One must carry an emergency kit to repair a flat tire, and make sure the spare tire is in good conditions.

Dashboard Sunshade

A car that is parked under the sun tends to increase the heat inside the cabin. A cover in the windshield not only protects the dashboard but also helps to make the cabin stay cool.  It is also a good idea to use solar panels for charging the battery.  

Engine Belts

The engine belt has to be in good condition without any breaks and cracks. Moreover, the belt must have the right amount of tension. A loose belt needs to be immediately replaced.


Last but not the least, it is important to replace worn-out wipers to avoid streaks on the windshield. It might not rain in summer but it is worth repairing the defective wipers well in advance.

Finally, the car must be regularly cleaned in summer to prevent the paint from being affected by sun’s rays.  Are there any other car care tips that must be followed during summer? Please let us know your suggestions by posting comments in the box below.