
Tesla to launch an electric sports car and an electric semi-truck

Tesla to launch an electric sports car and an electric semi-truck

Tesla’s Elon Musk has the knack of generating media hype through his visions about space travel and futuristic vehicles. Even though his plans appear too far-fetched, Elon Musk has already begun to play a key role in making the concept of electric car a practical reality.  Tesla Motors, the company founded by Elon, has already introduced an electric sedan and an electric SUV for the premium market.  The company is also due to launch Model 3, an affordable mass-market sedan, for the early adopters who can’t wait to drive the sedan that has a maximum speed of 140 mph.

An electric roadster on its way

Despite its optimistic outlook, Tesla is reportedly facing production issues with regard to Model 3.  Amidst the hue and cry, the company has announced that it will launch a new all-electric Roadster sports care that will be the fastest production car till date. The announcement was made by Elon Musk who touted the roadster by saying that a fuel-based sports car will look like a steam engine in comparison to the electric sports car.  The electric sports car has the capability of scaling up from 0 mph to 60 mph in just 1.9 seconds.  Besides launching the electric roadster, Tesla will also launch an electric semi-truck that will prove an asset to logistics and transportation industries.

An electric Semi for clean air

 Carbon emissions from diesel-based cards and commercial transportation vehicles have given rise to problems that need to be tackled once and for all. Tesla has stepped in to resolve the problem to introduce an electric big rig that can be used for logistics operations or for individual use.  Tesla has already begun to use the electric ‘semi’ for transporting materials from its Nevada gigafactory to its assembly plant in California.

Tesla eyes the Dubai market

Tesla has already established itself in the Dubai market by introducing its electric sedans and electric SUVs. Today, the Dubai Taxi Corporation has about 50 Tesla electric cars as a part of its taxi fleet.  The demand for Tesla’s electric cars will continue to rise as the UAE government is quite serious about driving its Green Economy for Sustainable Development Initiative. It can be said without doubt that the upcoming electrified roadster and semi-truck will find quite a few takers in the Dubai market.

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