
Infiniti Q50 Red Sport 400 offers luxurious driving with an enhanced surround sound system

Infiniti Q50 Red Sport 400 offers luxurious driving with an enhanced surround sound system

Last year, Infiniti had dazzled the Emiratis in Dubai when the Q50 Red Sport 400 was showcased at the Dubai Fountain along with a spectacular display of lights, sound and water.  The luxury division of Nissan is once again ready to excite its customers because of the enhancements found in the 2018 version of the sports sedan.

The 2018 Q50 Red Sport 400 is given 400 hp by a 3.0-liter, twin-turbo V engine that is also found in other Red Sport models. The power of the engine is transmitted through a 7-speed automatic transmission. Moreover, manual transmission is enabled by paddle shifters that are mounted on the steering wheel.  The car’s performance is better than ever. One might wonder whether 400 hp is sufficient enough to deliver a performance that is expected from a luxury sports sedan. Due to this drawback, Infiniti might find it difficult to lure customers away from Audi, BMW or Lexus.

However, it is worth mentioning that it is not the performance but the thundering Bose premiere audio system that takes the driving experience to another level. The Bose audio system comprises of an in-depth surround sound due to a configuration of 14 speakers. Additionally, there are standard car speakers that serve to improve the quality of sound.  The crisp and rich sound quality takes the passengers to another world. The interiors are as luxurious and premium as the sound system.

Quilter bolsters provide stability and comfort while the car is being driven aggressively. The interior gets a royal look due to the high quality upholstery leather that has a chrome trim and a double red stitching.  Even buttons and door panels have been made from quality materials.

Ultimately, the verdict is that customers must opt to buy the new Q50 Red Sport 400 if and only if they are strictly opting for a luxury car and not a practical car. The base price of the sports sedan in Dubai is 194,000AED.

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